There are still THREE current Industrial Wind planning applications live in Moray, most of which YOU can continue to influence to some degree

Save Wild Moray has now engaged an experienced Planning Consultant (Ian Kelly) to ensure that each application is professionally scrutinised and Developers and other vested interests are taken to task on every element of their destructive plans. Ian has had much success in other campaigns across Scotland and his involvement is a game changer for us.

Clashgour Campaign (48 turbines up to 175m) - Public inquiry underway but its not too late to make your own representation - check the Clashgour page in Current threats

Rothes 3 (29 turbines, the majority up to 225 metres tall…..!!!) - Public inquiry underway but its not too late to make your own representation - check the Rothes 3 page in Current threats

Berry Burn 2 the Developers have now submitted a formal Planning application. This time, not in the run up to Christmas but instead over the period of Public Inquiries for Clashgour & Rothes 3, to create maximum confusion and catch concerned local bodies when their energy & attention is focused on the more immediate threats. We’re preparing a template outlining the key issues of concern but in the meantime you can lodge a formal objection to representations@gov.scot

Pauls Hill 2 - its now too late to influence this particular development but we’ll update when we hear the Reporters recommendations and the Scottish Government’s reaction to them. In the meantime say a prayer and enjoy that area of Moray one last time before the bulldozers move in.

Regardless of the above, please do email your local Moray representatives to ensure they’re aware of your concerns over inappropriate Renewables development in our wild areas. In the past Richard Lochhead has maintained he’s not receiving much negative opinion regarding Wind Farms across Moray (really??) so PLEASE put that right NOW and copy Douglas Ross & Jamie Halcro Johnston so they too are aware.

Email Richard Lochhead - MSP for Moray. email here and copy in Douglas Ross - MP for Moray. email here and Jamie Halcro Johnston - MSP for Highlands & Islands email here

Likewise our County Councillors & Community Councillors MUST hear from you or some will continue to be ambivalent towards Industrial wind in Moray - see the contacts below in Campaign Locally

Email your Community Councillors, County Councillors, Moray Planning Committee members, Moray’s MP & MSP and make your views known - names & contact details below

Campaign locally - ensure Morays political representatives hear our voice

Moray Council

Know your own Moray County Councillor

See who sits on the Moray Planning Committee & email them all individually if you can.

Moray’s Local Community Councils

Map of Moray Community Council Areas - know your own Community Ward

Contact Details for Moray Community Councillors - know your own Community Councillor & email them all individually if you can.

Moray’s National Politicians

Douglas Ross - MP for Moray. email here

Richard Lochhead - MSP for Moray. email here

Jamie Halcro Johnston - MSP for Highlands & Islands email here

The Save Wild Moray team can be contacted on: hub@savewildmoray.com