What can I do to help Save Wild Moray?
First - understand these developments are NOT about Climate Change - they are about MONEY and POLITICS. Pure & simple.
Second - despair at the sheer iniquity of these Section 36 planning processes, which are triggered when local objections are automatically escalated for review by central Government and very often reversed in the process. The trampling of any semblance of local democracy. The cronyism. The squandering of massive volumes of Public money, channelled to foreign corporations through schemes that bring little genuine benefit to our attempts to tackle the climate threat. The distortions and in some cases outright lies that can permeate the system. Without a shadow of doubt these processes will emerge as the scandals of tomorrow - but that doesn’t help us now.
Third - check out the Who We Are & the Current Threats pages to understand the real need (or otherwise) and see details of where the money’s currently squandered.
Right now, you CAN make a difference and we DO need your help
General Support (3 mins of your time will make the world of difference)
Lodge a Formal Objection to any current campaign on the Object Now page
Sign up to our newsletter alerts – so we can alert you to the critical moments in any Moray wind farm campaign
Support us on social media and encourage other people to sign up to Save Wild Morays newsletter alerts
Spread the word to your family & friends, both far and wide and encourage them to support the cause
Identify your key local Political Representatives on the Object Now page and make sure they’re left in no doubt about your views. These people serve us and need to reflect the opinion of their electorate.
If you have extra time to spare, please read our site and those of our link partners – take time to understand the broader issues
Help steer our activities by responding to the occasional online survey
The Save Wild Moray team can be contacted on: hub@savewildmoray.com