Who are Save Wild Moray?

We are Moray folk, our friends & supporters

We care about our environment, our history and our people

We cherish the past, care about the present and carry responsibility for the future

We are committed, rational, intelligent, broad minded, modern & determined

We are not political, racist, sexist, classist or ageist - we are all of us.

We respect Nature and recognise that destroying it is easy, repairing it very hard

We are the voice of the Silent Majority

We are the people of Save Wild Moray

Are you? Come join us ….. click here to sign up

Why are Save Wild Moray getting involved?

Save Wild Moray simply wants to ensure that we all look to the future and beyond Scotlands current myopic approach when it comes to developing todays renewable energy solutions for our Region, Country & World.

To stop the destruction of Moray’s wild areas for the export of inefficient wind power far beyond our own needs. Even according to the developers themselves, Moray already produces enough electricity to meet the average annual electricity requirement of all Moray homes - 5 times over. If current plans are approved, that becomes 12 times over.

Squandering Public funds. Moray households already contribute in the region of $8 million every year through the green levy within our own power bills - on top of the taxes paid through central Government. Money well spent if its carefully directed but instead its squandered whilst at the same time driving record levels of fuel poverty.

As an example, in 2019 just ONE of the six major developments in Moray (Berry Burn) received £8.4 million of Public cash in a single year - with almost £6 million of that going directly into profits for its local land owners & foreign developers (ultimately owned by the Governments of China & Norway.

Less than 2.5% of our own Public money, came back in Public benefit spread thinly across Moray.

This is money that should have gone into a whole range of genuine initiatives to combat Climate change, including a mix of complimentary energy alternatives to minimise the vulnerability of a single intermittent option, to speeding up the insulation of homes & businesses and to improving green public transport.

We DO want to play a part in the development of a modern, local Renewable energy solution for Moray, using a range of environmentally friendly energy options, at Community level, that balance benefit & impact and deliver optimum outcomes & value for all of us in Moray, whilst doing our bit for the Planet.

We DO NOT want to become corporate victims or political pawns in a bigger game that does nothing for Moray nor the broader environment in which we live. We’re not interested in horse trades over numbers and heights of turbines nor arguments for one location over another.

We want …….

NO NEW Industrial Turbine developments in Moray

NO EXTENSIONS NOR REPOWERING of existing developments


‘Simples’ as those friendly meerkats would say?

The Save Wild Moray team can be contacted on: hub@savewildmoray.com